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Band Instrument Night for Incoming 6th Graders

Dear Parents of 5th Grade Students,

We want to inform you about an exciting opportunity for your child as they transition to 6th grade. The Academy Band at AISD is one of the best student groups available, and we believe your child would benefit greatly from joining.

Band is the sole music class offered at AMS, providing a place for all students to participate. If your child is interested in learning to play an instrument next year, we cordially invite you to attend Band Instrument Night.

During this event, students will have the chance to explore different instruments with the assistance of our knowledgeable music educators. We aim to help each student find an instrument they can excel at and truly enjoy.

Band Instrument Night will take place in the AMS Cafeteria on either Monday, March 25, or Thursday, March 28, from 5:30-7:00pm. Both nights are identical, so feel free to attend the one that best fits your schedule. This is a drop-in event, so you are welcome to come and go as needed.

For questions or further information, please contact the Academy Band directors at or

Thank you!
Mrs. Essary and Ms. Milner
Academy Band Directors