Dyslexia Program
Texas Education Code (TEC) §38.003 defines dyslexia and related disorders in the following way: “Dyslexia” means a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and sociocultural opportunity. “Related disorders” include disorders similar to or related to dyslexia, such as developmental auditory imperception, dysphasia, specific developmental dyslexia, developmental dysgraphia, and developmental spelling disability.
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Dyslexia Screening and Evaluation
Texas Education Code §38.003 requires all students in K & 1st, regardless of the student’s primary language, to be screened for dyslexia and other related disorders.
When is screening done?
Kindergarten: At the end of the school year
First Grade: No later than January 31
Interpreting Data and Evaluations
The Section 504 or ARD committee must first determine if a student's difficulties in the areas of reading or spelling reflect a pattern of evidence for the primary characteristics of dyslexia with unexpectedly low performance for the student's age and educational level in some or all of the following areas:- Reading words in isolation
- Decoding unfamiliar words accurately and automatically
- Reading fluency for connected text (rate and/or accuracy and/or prosody)
- Spelling (an isolated difficulty in spelling would not be sufficient to identify dyslexia)
Dyslexia and Related Disorders: Information for Parents
Dislexia y trastornos relacionados: información para padres
Region 12 Dyslexia Brochure
Reading by Design
Reading by Design - an individualized literacy intervention
Link: Reading by Design Program Overview Brochure
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- Melanie Henderson

- Brianna Johnson

- Chelsea McDaniel